SSCHPL: Steger-South Chicago Heights Public Library

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

Why read 1,000 books before kindergarten?

Literacy skills gained in the first few years of a child’s life can have long term effects by encouraging language development and a love of reading.

Reading together is a great way to bond with your child and fill them with all the new words they need to learn to express themselves and grow their minds.

Reading a book takes just a few minutes, and if you read 3 books together every day, you will surpass your goal of 1,000 books in just one year!

If you speak another language than English at home, read to your child in either language. We have a great selection of Spanish books for kids, and if you would like books in other languages, we can find them for you. You are your child’s first and best teacher, in any language.

You can repeat a book as many times as you wish and count it each time.

How do we participate?

Pick up your free booklet at the front desk. You can record the titles of the books you read, if you’d like, or just keep track of how many you’ve read.

At each 100, come to the library to get a prize sticker for your log and a prize sticker for your child to wear.

At 500 books, your child will get a book to keep.

At 1,000 books, your child will get another book, and a reward medal to show off. If you consent, we can also share a photo of you and your child on our website and social media celebrating your milestone!

a preschool aged boy with light brown skin and black curly hair and a preschool aged girl with fair skin and red hair hold a stack of books together as a medium-brown skinned baby boy looks on with a smile. the text 1000 books before kindergarten is below.